The sock that started it all! The venerable Medium Hiker. If you like a little more cushioning all around your foot but don’t want a really heavy sock, this is the sock for you. For years this sock has been the go-to sock for serious hikers who know the difference their socks can make day after day after day of hard hiking. It has seen duty on all the National trails and has been part of the best hikers’ essential equipment since it was introduced more than five years ago.
Merino Wool | 70% |
Nylon | 22% |
Polyester | 6% |
Lycra | 2% |
We have been working 12-hour shifts since the early 1900’s, so we know what it takes to get the job done. For hardworking Americans everywhere, we offer boots that are as tough as you are.
No two feet are identical—why should your boots conform to the mold of the masses? At Baker’s we provide completely personalized custom boots handcrafted right here in the U.S.